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【包邮】Hones 2015年度 机械布谷鸟钟 黑森林原产认证 德国代购
- 品牌:Hones
- 是否双面:单面
- 材质:木
德国代购 Hones (咨询特价)年度Clock of the Year 机械布谷鸟钟。
Height x Width = 36 x 27cm
Black Forest house
Solid wood
Hand made
Hand shingeld roof
Wooden hands
Hand carved pendulum with motif
Hand carved figurines
Carving out of lime wood
Mechanical 1-day movement
Cuckoo call to each half and full hour
Shut off lever
Music work with two melodies
Rotating dancers while the music is playing
Rotating mill wheel while the music is playing
VdS proofed ''Original Black Forest cuckoo clock''